Research, Evaluation & Development
Our research aims to create a strong knowledge base of migration and migration policy, to share the growing body of knowledge to promote CIMI's causes, and to support and develop our various programs and activities.
In the area of labor migration, CIMI releases periodic publications in collaboration with Government ministries and academic partners in order to evaluate and inform policies. Publications include surveys on the conditions of labor migrants who arrived under the bilateral agreement, data from the call center about various issues of complaints and inquiries and a labor migration profile.
In the area of refugees and asylum seekers, CIMI is working on mappings of populations and needs in the periphery of Israel to tailor need-specific services.
In addition, CIMI works to initiate knowledge base in potential areas of interest, and conducts studies with the purpose of implementing future programs. Currently CIMI works on four main areas: (1) Remittances of labor migrants - CIMI spearheads studies within this field, so as to develop potential intervention strategies and maximize the benefit of the migration process. The first intervention to be tested is a pilot project on financial literacy for migrant workers from the Philippines. The first workshop took place in December 2020 in collaboration with the Embassy of the Philippines. The workshop consists of expert lectures on informed financial behavior, providing practical tools. This activity is planned to continue throughout 2021 (2) Orientations for migrants prior to their arrival, during their stay and before return (3) Technological solutions and platforms for migrant workers which can greatly improve their decision making and orientation, increase their social cohesion and leadership skills (4) Increasing migrants’ ability to manage and preserve their family ties during their period of stay in Israel
A great deal of CIMI's research capacity is enabled through collaborations with research oriented MA programs at the leading academic institutions in Israel: Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and with additional top institutions such as Ruppin Academic Center.
Finally, CIMI organizes seminars and roundtables with governmental and non-governmental partners to discuss research findings, promote various causes and inform policy making.